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Founding Member
of the Innoshoe® Charter

The Humeau-Beaupréau Group is one of the founding members of the Footwear Charter for Consumer Protection. Since 2013, alongside several other industry leaders, our company has been committed to ensuring that consumers receive reliable products free from any harmful substances. This commitment is a guarantee of transparency, perfectly reflecting the core values of our Group: reliability and quality.

What is Innoshoe®?

  • Our shoes are made with products and materials that are harmless and safe for health in terms of chemical safety.
  • They are regularly controlled and tested in independent laboratories.
  • Our Group implements an organization and processes to comply with regulations and a set of specifications applicable to all signatory members.

« For over 15 years, the Group has committed to respecting the strictest European standards regarding pollution and safety. As a founding member of the Innoshoe® Charter, we are pioneers in the industry when it comes to chemical controls and tests. This applies not only to the products but also to our suppliers and throughout the entire production and distribution cycle »

Anne-Céline Humeau

CEO – Humeau-Beaupréau Group